Our 'Half Hog' product is part of our 'Know Your Food' scheme.
This scheme is our way of creating an ethical meat product.
You can either pay for this in one go or subscribe* and pay £47.50 pounds per months over the next 4 months.
You will get an initial visit to the farm to learn about our breed and see the piglets
After that you will receive an invite to visit each month to check on the progress of the pigs and see how they are growing and that we are doing the best we can for them.
At the end of the time, we will arrange with our butcher to prepare you portion in to the cuts of your choice. All you'll need to do is create some space in the freezer
*Subscriptions inccur an additional charge due to processing fees
Half Hog
Out of Stock
Price Options
One-time purchase
Half Hog
Know Your Food
£47.50every month for 4 months