Egg Club
Currently, we have 30 hens in a mixed, free ranging flock. Our flock is made up ex-commercial hens, hens we have hatched and hens other people decided they could no longer keep.
During laying season, these give us between 20 and 25 eggs per day (too many for us to keep to ourselves).
They have 4.5 acres to range and a lovely little coop to roost at night.
The idea of the 'egg club' was an idea put to me via our 12 year old son as he wanted a job on the farm that didn't involve mucking out or catching sheep.
He had the idea that he could deliver eggs to the local community on his bicycle to earn a bit of pocket money and so; The Egg Club was born.
We now deliver over 150 eggs per week all over Shepton Mallet.
When thinking about joining our Egg Club, we have 4 types of membership to consider.
If you would like fresh, free range eggs delivered to your door, please get in touch
No Membership Fee
Just, Freshly Laid
Delicious Eggs
Be a Do-Gooder and Help us Help Hens
£5 Membership Fee +
Weekly Deliveries of Fresh Eggs*
Be a Saviour and Help us care
for our Rescue Hens
£10 Membership Fee;
6 Free eggs +
Weekly Deliveries of Fresh Eggs*
Be a Hero. Visit the farm and Help us care for our Rescue Hens in the best way you can
£15 Membership Fee
12 Free Eggs
Visit the Farm +
Weekly Deliveries of Fresh Eggs*